Recycled Gold

How do we extract our gold?

Recycled gold is gold that has been extracted and reprocessed from previously used jewellery, electronic components or other sources. Gold recycling is an environmentally friendly approach that helps reduce the harmful effects of gold mining and the waste of precious metals.

The process of producing recycled gold usually consists of the following steps:

Collection: The first step is to acquire used gold. This gold can be old jewellery, electronic components or other similar sources.

Cleaning: Collected gold is thoroughly cleaned of non-gold materials such as glues, paints or other impurities.

Cutting and sorting: Gold is cut and sorted according to its size, purity and other properties.

Smelting: During smelting, gold is melted at high temperatures to separate any other metals and purify the gold.

Casting: Molten gold is poured into molds to create the raw material for new jewellery or other gold-containing items.

Fabrication and Design: Recycled gold is worked and shaped to achieve the desired result. This can be a piece of jewellery or any another object.

Among the advantages of recycled gold, environmental protection and the promotion of sustainability can be highlighted. Gold mining often causes environmental damage, soil erosion and loss of biodiversity. Through recycling, the need for new mining activity is reduced, which contributes to the preservation of natural resources.

In addition, recycled gold is becoming increasingly popular in the jewellery industry as customers are increasingly looking for environmentally conscious and sustainable products.