Our story

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Where the adventure began

My brother and I embarked on an exciting adventure when we visited Africa to discover the wonders of this fascinating continent. We encountered many interesting and eye-opening things during our journey, but one of the most impressive experiences was the discovery of salt and pepper diamonds.

Wandering through the wealth of African culture and natural treasures, we found these special gems. These diamonds were not only stunningly beautiful, but also special, as they were decorated with small, naturally formed dark spots and inclusions, which were called "salt and pepper".

Salt and pepper diamonds were both beautiful and magical in a unique way which made a big impression on us. After returning home, my brother and I began to plan how to make these special diamonds accessible to the general public while respecting sustainability and bringing affordable quality jewellery to the market.

This inspiration led us to create our jewellery brand Mithryl Jewellery. Our goal was to create jewellery using these special diamonds and at the same time produce them in a sustainable way. In collaboration with local artisans and professionals we have created designs that highlight the uniqueness and beauty of these salt and pepper diamonds.

Our jewellery is not only beautiful and unique, but also available at an affordable price. Therefore we have made it possible for more people to access such special and rare diamonds.

This is the story of how we found beauty and uniqueness in Africa and used that inspiration to create a jewellery brand that stays true to the original experience and supports the locals. With every sold ring their economy improves which gives them the chance to improve their electricity, education, transport and hopefully soon even more.